Vitality Dublin Anti Aging

Longevity as we mature is everyone’s wish. Health is always a priority, and gut health should be at the top of everyone’s health and wellbeing priority list especially now that we know that taking care of the gut and bowel, combined with probiotics and a healthy lifestyle and diet can bring so many wonderful benefits including ensuring the body ages well.

For those who experience age related sluggish bowel or constipation, gas and IBS, colonic hydrotherapy may be advisable. It is advisable to check the list of contra-indications to ensure suitability before booking an appointment for colonic irrigation in Dublin.

As colonics are a wellness treatment aimed a preventing illness, colonic treatment is not offered to those who are already sick or under serious medical treatment from their doctor.

Please fast 2 hours in advance of treatment. Colonic Hydrotherapy is a non medical cosmetic treatment which may be beneficial to improve wellbeing. Results are not guaranteed.

Please consider a course of at least 3-6 treatments to see benefits.

Treatment will not be offered if any of the following apply to you:

  • Hernia including hiatus( abdominal hernia, hiatus, esophagial hernia) abdominal, rectal or colon surgery in the past 6 months including pregnancy
  • abdominal distension
  • liver failure
  • aneurysm
  • colon cancer
  • *unmedicated cardiac condition
  • crohns disease
  • colitis
  • diverticulitis (if active)
  • fissures or fistula
  • bleeding of the rectum
  • intestinal performation
  • lupus
  • pregnant currently
  • kidney failure
  • Bleeding hemorroids

Please avoid gym or alcohol for 24 hours post treatment.

Colonic hydrotherapy treatment is carried out in absolute privacy.